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Saturday, January 11, 2025


Happy 12th Adoption Day, Lucky

Saturday, January 04, 2025


Same Issues, Different Year

Happy New Year to one and all! 

Steve turned 68.  However, this year he did not get his usual prime rib and Yorkshire pudding dinner. 

It seems that one of the root canals I had decided to break into my jaw. So for his birthday I had the molar and infection cleared out followed by a bone graft. 

Consequently, I am not enjoying my liquid diet. Mainly because I don't like to swallow my calories and I can't have anything hot. 

Everything has to be cold until Monday and there's to be nothing but smooth in texture. 

I'm really not a fan of cold coffee. And I really do like having texture in my food. 

Obviously I have some pain, that due to my physical condition, I can't do anything about. Other than put on an ice pack and do my usual, "suck it up buttercup" routine.

The girls are not pleased.  While Sunshine just keeps looking at me with great concern. Her sister is still trying to boss me around to get me to pick her up. 

I'm not supposed to be bending over. Seems that will do something to the clotting that's supposed to be taking place in my bone graft area. 

Now comes the really fun part. It could take anywhere between 3 to 8 months before I am ready to have the post put in for the new tooth. 

Because of my osteoporosis and rheumatoid arthritis I have been told probably the latter is the most feasible. 

I suppose the good news is that the doctor swears that I will be able to eat somewhat normally by the time we go on our anniversary cruise! 

So happy New Year to one and all. And may you all have a better beginning to 2025 then I have had.

Monday, December 16, 2024



Tis the season for SPAM.  Or so it seems.  At least from my personal perspective.

I have two email addresses and both have begun making me delete everything from the innocuous, to the gross in nature.  Many warn me of impending doom because my Netflix payment has been denied.

Trouble with that warning is I don't have an account in my name.

Literally I have been deleting over 20 spam a day.

Another irritant:  it's also porch pirate season.

You would think that given the fact of almost everyone has a ring product, this would have become a non-issue.  Unfortunately, it hasn't eased up around our little area of suburbia.

It's a good thing I am home most of the time.  Probably also a good thing that we don't order much on-line wise.

Most of our purchases tend to be of the fur baby needs type.  Since we did hear someone had a baby gift swiped, I suppose those same thieves wouldn't care that they have taken prescription dog food from a sick pup.

Remember when hearing "Spam-a-lot" meant a fun evening at the theater?

Sunday, November 24, 2024


Thankful for Issues

It's Thanksgiving.  It was also both Bruce's and my birthday s this past week.  Bryce is now 9! I am 67.   More than ever I'm seeing my mom's face in the mirror.

Luckily, for me, she was a very attractive woman.  Still,  wrinkles abound.  Not just on my face either.  Definitely time to ditch the haltertops.  Sigh.

I thought I would share what I'm thankful for this year:  All have had their own experiences to both overcome and revel in.

My kids and grandkids are all doing well.  

My husband is healthy and here.

Our two senior deaf and half blind pups.  They bring me so much joy.  Worth every bit of challenges they've been having throughout this year.

While I have also had added things to work on, I am thankful for great doctors and physical/occupational therapists.

May you all have more joys than sorrows during this upcoming season.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 12, 2024



If you've read my musings at all, you know that we have 2 precious senior pups.  Like us, they have come to have their frailties.

While one has kidney disease, the other has something going on with her liver. They both have spinal issues just like their mom.  Plus,  one is as deaf as a brick and cannot see very well.  The other has trouble seeing and her hearing isn't too great either.  One pesters me constantly for food.  The other is on very expensive prescription diet food mixed in with smoked chicken and rice and many a time shakes her head and walks away.

Her new thing is to only eat from my hand.  Believe me, I know I am the problem.

It would be a huge understatement to say we love them dearly.

This past weekend was perfect until 3 p.m. Sunday.

Younger dog started walking hunched, wobbly legs, wouldn't eat or drink and threw up.  Of course!  Sunday before a holiday!

She just wanted to be held.  So we did.  Left an urgent message for our "other family doctor" and did a lot of holding and praying that they were open on Veteran's Day.

Thank goodness they were.  There was both good and bad news.

Thanks to whatever food and meds I have been able to get into her-kidneys and phosphorus levels are better.  But she had some kind of infection and inflammation in her spine.

Three hours and $300 later we picked her up.  Older dog was sniffing, licking and wagging her tail when her sister came in.

We got her to eat and drink a bit-including meds.  All of us slept as well as we could expect.  Woke up and found a puddle of puke.  

Thankfully, she went out on her own power, no wobbling and the pain hunch is much better.

Praying for a quiet day, no puking, meds ingested and food/drink enjoyed-as well as kept down.

With that, I hope everyone had a good Veteran's Day.  Endless gratitude to all who have served and are serving.

Sunday, October 27, 2024


Pet Peeves

No, not another blog on my beloved baby girls.

Lately, for me, it's the lack of pronunciation skills from people.  Eliding of important letters and the obnoxious use of a certain word drive me crazy!

First, why not say a letter?  Is it to save time?  Do you think you sound cool? For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, the word is IMPORTANT.

Now that I have written it, does it ring a bell?

I've noticed that even newscasters say "impor'ant".  That "T" isn't silent. Pronounce the freaking letter!!

The next word I am talking about is "LIKE".

Oh my God,  when you speak please don't include the word in between every other one!

The other night we were listening to an interview.  The woman was highly intelligent.  Yet, in the five minute segment, this woman said "like" somewhere around 25 times!

No one needs to use the word unless more definition is legitimately needed.

Obviously,  there are more speech issues that drive me a bit batty, but these are the ones irritating me most at this moment.

Have any of you noticed any unfortunate lapses in speech that annoy you to distraction?

Friday, October 18, 2024


Infrastructure Work, Not Really

We have potholes.

This is an ongoing problem here in the outskirts of Phoenix.  Not just in our streets but our highways.

We're talking BIG holes that can take out your transmission and give you serious whiplash.

We know where they are and have trained ourselves to avoid that lane at all times.  Even going slow is a danger.

According to TV ads, a certain proposition has been working on it and needs to be voted back in to continue their efforts.

Of course,  it's not supposed to up our taxes in any way - until you read the ubiquitous fine print.

We've lived here 12 years now.  In that time, our neighborhood has only been resurfaced once.  It was a really bad job.  Crossing the street feels as if you're walking on boulders.

Our main streets?  Not even once!  The half mile to the freeway entrance has had the same two "holes" literally all dozen years!

The same can be said for the first 3 miles of the freeway.

This is wrong.  

Steve has been delayed for up to an hour on the areas they have worked on.  The detour is ridiculous.  

Once the repair has been done they have to go back and paint the lines.  That could take over a month!  

The road may look better, but the potholes are still there!  Not as deep, but still need to be avoided.

Our tax dollars at work?  Not really.  What about where you live?

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