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Tuesday, October 03, 2023


Like Mother

Just because I didn't give birth to her doesn't mean Sunshine is totally taking after me.

It started Saturday night-after the vet closed for the weekend, naturally.

Our renally-challenged fur baby began walking in a hunched position.  Her eyes were covered with tears. Much more quiet about getting her sister up for a potty break too.  Then came the "screech" of pain.

Sunshine is so sweet, no matter what she's feeling, so we were holding our collective breath until Monday morning.  We did a drop off appointment.

After x-rays and a thorough exam, we got the call:  3 lesions on her spine along with stenosis.  Sounds quite familiar.  I too have those (and more) spinal discords.  It seems the treatment is pretty much the same as well.

We are now needing to keep her very inactive for 2 weeks, at least.  We also have to give her gabapentin, a muscle relaxer and steroids.  

We're also asking for prayers.   Such  sweet, sweet soul.  

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