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Friday, February 04, 2022



Thankfully getting hacked is not something that happens to us all the time.

But, as I'm sure many of you know, when it happens it is a royal pain! This week it happened to us not once but twice!

Our 1st go-round was getting a bill in the mail from AT&T about our new phone and account. The problem is we have never had cell phone service from AT&T. Therefore we knew there was a problem.

Unfortunately, we didn't find this out until after 5:00 on Friday afternoon. As big is AT&T is the front department is not open all weekend.  Steve tried his best calling the regular line and asking them to put notes on there and who he should call Monday morning.

He was then told they're part of the company could not put notes in for the fraud department! But they gave him a number and told him he should go online and put the complaint there.

Come Monday morning Steve made an early call and was greeted by a voice message that told him that they were overwhelmed with calls and to leave his name and number and he would be called back in the order it was placed.

I'm writing this on Friday morning, we still haven't received the call.

Steve did go on and make a formal complaint online. We haven't heard back from that site either. We did go ahead and alert all the appropriate people and then Steve also called are experian people asking them why we weren't told about this with our extra payment for fraud alert. He was told there have been no charges or activity on our cards.

I guess this is something to be grateful for. What I can't understand is if someone used my name and address and opened an account—Why did they send the phone to a PO box?  It was probably an impression I had made but I thought most places will not deliver things such as electronic devices to anything but a residence or a business.

In either case, moving on to hack #2 of the week.

Thankfully that 1 was easier to fix. Steve got an alert from our amazon prime account saying that they needed the second ID for his purchase of some sort of game box.  $800 worth!

It took him about 20 minutes but he finally got a hold of a person at amazon. He explained the situation and they declined thehe request and sent it to their fraud department.

At one point I would have said people are getting desperate because there were no jobs. But around here all I see are signs asking everyone to be patient because they have only the bare minimum of staff and they can't seem to find anyone to take any of the open spots.

Thanks to this last week, we decided that even though some of our credit cards that we kept in a safety deposit box in our bank, to close them.  

Even though it was credit cards, Marie Kondo would be proud.

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