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Friday, June 06, 2014


The Heat is Really On

The Heat is Really On

I had to laugh out loud-our nephew, a nurse for Fresno County in California posted on FaceBook, “109 on a Monday?”

As our 7-1/2 year old grandson has a fondness of saying, “Welcome to my world”.


According to my sister-in-law Ila, Lucas was not happy about a possible week’s worth of this temperature.  I’m still chuckling at this-we have triple digits of anywhere from 110-120 from Mid-May until late September.  If we’re lucky, the overnight temps dip to a nice “chilly” 85.


When I pointed this well-known fact as an answer on his post-I did not even get the slightest of internet groans.  I’m guessing he figures we chose to move here.  But, really, he chose to move to Fresno.  At least he’s got fresh sun-dried raisins.


The boys are out of school and seem to be pushing their grandparents to the limit of how we will all survive the summer.  I’ve personally taken them to the “big” splash pad twice, grandpa went with us the other evening and I’ve driven them around the corner to the splash pad at the outlet mall out of desperation for both my sanity and Lucky and Pepper’s well-being.


Pepper’s nearing in on 11 in a couple of months.  He loves the boys, but after about the first 4 hours of them insisting on tossing HIS toys around the house for THEIR enjoyment he starts looking at them in a not so friendly glare.

Lucky is missing her walks.  Aidan has a thing with his feet that makes them hurt after about one lap of the park.  Plus, Lucky wasn’t receptive to the cute booties we bought to protect her feet from the heat and after the same lap-she’s done her “duties” and wants me to carry her the rest of the way.

I am now using the treadmill.  Not scenic-I assure you.

The heat is also on metaphorically.  In the last two weeks, the boys had to endure the lobby of the fanciest and nicest place I’ve ever been for my mammogram. I’m sure this is what a medi-spa is-and covered by our PPO!  I was offered a plush robe, quiet music, comfy seats and homemade cookies with coffee, tea and water.  Too bad for grandpa and the boys-I was there for almost 4 hours. 


Don’t ask.  Just glad at the end of the session all was declared “Good for another year”.

Then came two other doctors’ appointments and an epidural.

I was pretty sure I had the worst part of the deal with the epidural-the assistant told me, “he really loaded you up-8 injections.”  The doctor also suggested that “as good as you are about my torture; you really should consider the sedation.  I know these are really painful.”

But by the reactions of the men, you’d have thought I was waiting the half hour for them and they got the shots.

And so goes the summer of heat. 

Dear Lucas-enjoy your few days of triple digits.  It makes for a nice change and then you can really appreciate the weather when it goes back down to the upper 80’s.

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