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Saturday, May 25, 2024


I Hate Flies

I hate flies.  What and why are they here on earth, anyway?

Every year we are inundated with them.

We buy the hanging fly catchers.  We have tried putting Irish Spring bars on the security doors.  Doesn't really repel them, but it smells fresh.

It's not just a problem of them being annoying either.  Sunshine is scared to death of those pests!  She won't eat, she hides either under a dining room chair or under our bed, and she shakes.

Steve, with the help of his favorite kitchen towel, does his best to kill them.

To give you an idea of just how bad our situation is-Steve bought 2 new traps at our local Home Depot Tuesday.  He hung one in its usual spot. The other he placed on the outside dining table. (Who would eat outside???)

It's Saturday morning and the traps are full people!! We still have 3 in the house.  Two drowned themselves in the dogs water bowl.  None have gone into the electric fly trap in the house.

I learned year one to put food trash into Ziploc bags before putting them into the trash cans.  

Do flies even serve a purpose other than being annoying?  If so, please inform me.  I would really like to know.

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