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Thursday, March 24, 2016


I Hate Redundancy

Sigh.  I don't like to repeat myself, but I'm afraid that's just what is about to happen folks.

Friday I was thrilled to meet my friends and go for a walk.  It was a glorious Spring day (as you can see from the photo I took Saturday morning!). 

By Friday night I told my husband, my throat is really dry and I've been drinking more water than anyone should really consider.

Saturday morning it was hot-real hot.  So Lucky and I went for a our walk at 8:15.  By the time we returned 45 minutes later I could barely swallow from how dry I felt.

Adam told me that poor Sam had finally succumbed to what is being called "the crud".  I really wished I could go and help her out but apologized because I didn't want to risk getting a third round of this horrible thing.  After all, we're about to embark on a wonderful 35th anniversary trip and I wanted to remain healthy.


All Saturday I took little peeks at my throat-little familiar white dots were starting to grow into big white dots.  GRRRR!

By Sunday morning all I wanted to do was stop the lumpy feeling, the dryness and the dread of round 3.  Still, I didn't want to infect myself more by going to the walk-in clinic.

I held out until Monday morning.  I was now running a fever, eyes watering and throat aching.

The clinic opened at 8, but the lab opened at 7:30.  I got there at 7:15 and waited patiently by the door.  Two other "3rd rounders" joined me.  It was nice to have company in my misery.

My favorite nurse and walk-in doctor looked at me sideways.  Although I was at least more "alive" than my visit 2-1/2 weeks ago, I still wasn't doing well.

Left there with another prescription and orders to force fluids and rest. Oh and "Happy Anniversary".

The doctor did say that this is the worst infectious season he's seen here in the past 5 years.  I believe it.  I honestly don't remember being this sick, this many times since the kids were little.  Not even during my "day care providing" years.

Since my blood work was so precarious a couple of weeks ago and my rheumatologist freaked out and told me to NOT take my RA meds as I was "too sick".  That was before round 3 was official.  I called her back with the "good news".  Her call?  No RA meds until I come back from our trip.  Oh and here's a good one:  Talk to my GP and ask her to have me take the test for a local delight called "Valley Fever".

Well, it's miserable and takes a lot of anti-fungals to get rid of it but on the other hand, it's not contagious.  Just very serious for people like myself who have auto-immune disorders.  Hoping that I can get an answer on this before we take off for blue skies and warm waters.

We shall see.

And now, it's time for another hot, decaf drink.  Salud!

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