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Saturday, March 11, 2023


It's 4 A.M. on a Saturday

I'm extremely tired.  Since Steve took this job where he gets up at 5:00 AM, I now have to get up at this dark hour.

The problem is that as time goes on our eldest fur baby feels that she needs to begin the day much earlier!  This past week, 4:15 is exact time of her desire.

Lucky starts with kissing my face while standing on my chest. Adorable, until phase two begins!  I have a multitude of orthopaedic gear that has to be removed from my hands.  Difficult when your hands are both swollen and HURT.

Before I get one arm free, Lucky moves to phase two:  barking at me incessantly to get her outside for a potty break.  Once she's done her free-Kick realize I need to go.  By then, Sunshine years her sister's bossy command of "why aren't you feeding me?" .  So, I am now doing another potty run and it's not even 4:30!

The entire time our little Miss Bossy Pants is following me and hitting the back of my already compromised knees and barking. My knees are the only part she can reach.  Sunshine just goes back to her favorite bed, covers herself and goes on with her snoozefest.I

I've tried letting her our later, putting her back to bed, ignoring her pleas of impending starvation and then praying that 5 a.m. is now here.

Once she's had her breakfast, she also picks a bed, covers herself and begins snoring. Reeally.  In the meantime, I am up with no chance of sleep.  

Between Miss Bossy Pants and Steve's problematic snoring and add in my pain levels-it's no wonder I not off by 8 o'clock!  If that's not enough, the bags under my she's seem to be ending at my jawline.

Yep, yep, yep.

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