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Friday, July 31, 2020


Kid Programming is Mind-numbing

What happened to fun kid TV?

Until recently there was plenty to keep Jackson busy: work books, kid novels, park time, etc...

However, between record heat breaking days and the two cement blocks on my feet only some of those activities fill our time together.  Jackson asked to watch 2 of the most Mind-numbing shows ever produced:. Power Rangers and Teen Titans.

Teaches nothing, bad acting, horrible plots and my head's exploding. I keep trying to switch to better shows but after about 20 minutes I hear, "grandma, now can I watch _________?"

Yesterday I did manage to get him to watch Hamilton and showed him pictures of the real founding fathers and discus the times and reasons.

We also found a NatGeo documentary series with Bob Woodruff and his son about 3rd world countries and their remarkable ways of life.

But this morning it was right back to Hulu and drivel.

We've done 5 pages in a grammar book, read and discussed 3 chapters of a kid book by Matt Christopher and he helped me at the market.  Jackson also helped bring in the food and make his lunch.

I realize my almost 7 year old grandson (6 days) is too old to enjoy Blue's Clues, Sesame Street and similar programming but can't he stay little a bit longer and enjoy something less mindless???

Next week, he officially starts school with daddy as teacher.  Here's to hoping that Bryce will be more open to watching educational TV.

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