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Saturday, August 24, 2024


Pet Peeves

Let me start by saying I am an independent.  Both political parties have become a scary thought to me.

I have no idea if anyone else has been bombarded with spam basically telling me how disappointed they are in me for not contributing to "my" candidate.

Yes, it all goes to my junk file.  Yes, I block and delete.  But, somehow, I have still been receiving more than three a day!

As time goes on and closer to the actual election, these messages seem to becoming more aggressive and nasty.

Next pet peeve.  We live caddy corner to a pocket park with a view.  A few years ago when a friend and I were still walking at an ungodly hour in the morning, we came upon what appeared to be a homeless camp in n the bottom of the wash.  We called the non-urgent police line and they came out and cleared it and meshed up the entire pipe.

Well, last week I went outside to clean up some wildlife remnants and saw what appeared to be a homeless cart just sitting there.

Kids play there.  School kids use that park to both bike and walk to school.  I couldn't believe that the houses that look right at it didn't report it.  

So I gave it a day before I called.  I was told someone would come out the next day and remove it.

Well they most certainly did not.  Plus another neighbor at another pocket park told everyone about another cart!

No response from their report either.  But, since their park is closer to the school they removed it.

Last peeve...

Sunshine is back to being picky.  Good thing since Fresh Pet contacted me and said we shouldn't feed our baby their food because it's too high in phosphorus.

A toddler has nothing on Sunshine.  Part of our refrigerator looks like a science lab!  Stacked with covered bowls with food for her to try.

If only Greenies would make a kidney diet daily food!

Just a happy side note:  Today, 8 years ago, we adopted our sweet picky eater.  HAPPY ADOPTION DAY SUNSHINE!!!!  

That is all.

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