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Friday, July 21, 2023


Most Expensive Summer Ever

As a homeowner, sometimes you have to bite the bullet.

This has been the summer. Yes, home warranty helped-slightly.

The new AC and forced air unit? Our share came to almost 8,400.00!  Thank goodness for what the company and a senior discount immediately deducted!  Looking forward to rebates from our utility company as well.

Negligible expense -some parts and Steve's labor to fix the smoker that was less than a week out of warranty. 

This week?  Our 7-1/2 year old dishwasher quit just before it drained!

Steve checked the circuit breaker and plug. They were just fine.

Went on the website to troubleshoot.  He was pretty sure of what was wrong, went to YouTube.  A repairman said how to do it -adding that this is probably something best done by a professional.

Home warranty sent out a very nice gentleman who informed me that because it was dead he had to order an entire new panel and that parts have been running 2 weeks out!

Okay, not something I, with two hands in bad shape, wanted to hear!  I had literally just had 3 steroid injections done the day before!

We now have a very expensive dishrack until further notice.  Oh, if it doesn't work-we'll have to get an allowance for new machine!  Which will open up a whole other can of worms because the tile situation and getting it in and out sounds like even more issues will be coming our way.

Taking deep breaths.  What will be will be.

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