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Friday, September 10, 2010


hot salad, cold soup

at the cooking column-here's what my fellow foodies at fabulously40 came up with for our latest challenge of hot salads and cold soups!  

Happy Anniversary

Hard to believe, but in our family-9/11 is a happy memory! I hear the "what?!" through the airwaves.

Let me explain-on September 11th, our daughter will celebrate her 6th anniversary. It was a beautiful wedding and we knew this was the start of our immediate family officially growing. We already behaved and felt like Alex was a new son, but now it was legal.

If you're wondering why in the world we chose that date-here's the story:

My husband and I shut down our day care business December 20, 2002-so when we knew there'd be a wedding to pay for, we were in the midst of re-inventing ourselves and trying to get my rather poor health to improve. Funds were very tight. We told our daughter that the budget for her wedding would be the last installment of an annuity from my husband's game show winnings. $12,000.

Needless to say-she wasn't very happy-but you can't squeeze blood out of a proverbial turnip-so the hunt for a venue was on. I listened to co-workers about where they went; somehow we magically started getting e-mails from all kinds of places asking us to check them out-including a wedding cruise. Our daughter liked a particular county run country club. It was older, but very well kept.

We went to see the room, the various menus, etc. and found that it was indeed the best we had all seen. The next task was for the betrothed to set the date, they were pretty booked up. Turned out either the young couple would have to wait 2 years or "how do you all feel about September 11th?"

Because of what happened at Ground Zero-it seemed no one wanted to get married on this date.

If we took it-they'd give us a $2000 discount.

We all looked at each other. Since none of us are particularly superstitious-I spoke up "you know, I'm sure if we all look through all of history-something bad happened on every single day of the year. By our daughter getting married on this particular date we are replacing the present connotation of horror and turning it around into something happy."

Of course, this would work for only those attending the event-but we felt this would be the start.

So, in honor of our daughter and son-in-law: Happy Anniversary, may you have many, many more together.

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