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Friday, October 18, 2013
I Love Autumn
I Love Autumn
A few weeks ago something wonderful happened.
Yes, one morning, as Lucky and I reached the kitchen door we
were greeted not by a burst of extremely hot air-but by a bit of a nip!
Okay, the “nip” was still 85 degrees, but as opposed to the
105+ mornings, this had me thinking, “hmmmm, should I go grab my robe????”
I kid you not.
Then I realized that if I could get my joints moving fast
enough, Lucky and I could actually go take a walk!
Woo Hoo! You didn’t
see it, but this had me really immersing my feet and hands into some hot water
so I could accommodate this wish.
From that point on, Lucky and I have a date 4-6 times a week
to get up and out for a return of our morning constitutions. We are LOVING it! It’s just warm enough that neither of us have
a need for a sweater and Lucky doesn’t need to worry about how hot the cement
or asphalt is-we’re both happy.
After all, I’ve been using the treadmill all summer-but poor
Lucky has well, how can I put this nicely?
Our little 5.7 pound Chihuahua has gotten what the vet termed,
“fluffy”. She weighed in at 7.2 pounds.
Poor baby. She only
gets ¼ cup of dry food and NOW she’s getting 2 tablespoons of wet food and a
half of a toy sized denti-stix. The vet
said, “Theoretically she’s not getting too much food (we had been giving her ¼
C of wet food with the kibble), but this type of Chihuahua for some reason has
a slower metabolism than the ones with longer legs.”
We were told to cut her wet food intake in half and come
back for a weight check in a month. The
thought is that with our being able to walk her again and cutting back on her
food she should be able to lose some of her “fluffiness”.
Back to our weather.
Here in the desert we have no fall colors. Now I’m used to that. In Orange County we pretty much stayed green
all year round. Here we have a lot of
cacti, mesquite and very little in the way of color. I was just thrilled to see some little
blossoms on some sort of plant in the yard that gave us a bit of yellow, fire orange
and a bit of red. If only for a few
I miss my roses. I
miss my mint. I did see someone with a
rosemary shrub while walking the other day-so I’m thinking that despite the
fact that my seeds never broke ground-I’m certain if a get one of those in a
pot I could make some of that grow and see some of the purple buds next season. Plus I could have some for cooking again.
Most people love seeing the arrival of Spring-I did as well,
but here where Spring means that we will soon be “living on the face of the
sun”, I’m enjoying the morning walks, not sweating in the house and we’re
beginning to eat on our patio once again.
We bought that fancy misting fan and only used it once.
Maybe Steve could hook it up-but then again maybe we could
just sit outside after dinner and use the fire pit? I know we’ve had requests for another s’mores
bar! Sounds great for a nice Autumn
family dinner.