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Friday, July 03, 2020


Lost in Paradise/Backyard

I love the desert where we live.  Don't mind the extreme heat, don't mind the occasional monsoon and even seeing a haboob now and then isn't all that scary anymore-love exploring new parts.

Today, I must admit however, that getting lost in my own backyard was interesting!

A friend with 4 little dogs and I haven't been able to do our own "puppy parade" since the weather plunged into the low 30's at the beginning of January, so we made plans to catch up and get in some exercise.

All 6 dogs seemed to know a party was about to take place, even from separate residences.  We decided to go on a new route to my girls and me, but my friend suggested one she enjoyed taking on a regular basis.

We met at the parking lot of one of our neighborhood splash pad/parks.  All the dogs started barking and smelling each other within seconds and we were off!

Then something happened.  We were so busy talking and catching up that we looked up and realized that neither of us knew where we were!  No, we couldn't blame it on a senior moment.  No we couldn't say "the dogs led us astray". 

All we could do is take responsibility for our extreme gabbing section and keep going to her house.  The dogs were pooped.  Our hope was that her husband was home and after dropping off her babies and getting everyone some much needed water that he could drive us back to get our cars.

Long story edited-he found us as we and my dogs were about 1/4 of the way back to our destination.  I was now holding Lucky (somehow I had forgotten her stroller!) and Sunshine was walking REAL slow.  They were thrilled when the car door opened and felt the A/C.

We thanked my friend's hubby, said good-bye to my friend and made plans for next week.  Sans the getting lost in our own neighborhood part. 

Instead of 2.3 miles, we had walked almost 3.5!  Came home and both girls tanked up on more water, crawled into their beds and took a very long nap.  I grabbed my second cup of coffee and decided to tell you about the time I got lost in Paradise.  Also known as "my own backyard".

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