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Saturday, August 05, 2023


Dish Pan Hands

This week has me wondering -how did our grandmothers survive without modern conveniences such as dishwashers, cordless phones, dryers and depending on your age, indoor plumbing???

Maybe it's because my hands and their abilities were already in question, but at 2 weeks of constantly scrubbing kitchen items, I have had it!  No amount of "made for dry hand relief" cream is actually making my hands feel better.  

I used to have very nice hands and my nails were strong and envied by my small circle of friends.  Now, no nails left and what's there split and break!  Point of no return seems to fit.  My skin is so dry that it itches and flakes.  Just as soon as I slather on the cream something else needs to be cleaned!

Adam suggested using paper plates.  But there's still the pots, pans, flatware and glasses.  Somehow a few plates thrown into the basin doesn't seem to matter much.   They're almost the least of what is in the sink!

It seems that the part/parts we need are coming in from South Korea.  No arrival date has been given.

Tomorrow (Sunday), is a very important and special day!  Jackson is turning 10! Only one grandchild left in the single digits!  Bryce is also the only family member that is shorter than I am.  

I'm totally okay being a shorty, as long as they all remember that I am the boss.

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