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Saturday, January 08, 2022


Ow! That Really Hurts

I'm back in PT.  My new physical therapist was happy to hear that I didn't expect miracles. He was thrilled to hear that my expectations were that I could be able to sleep and not be in pain to the degree that it would be the rather than the exception than the exception.

Anyone who has been through physical therapy can tell you that it is not juof "suck it up, buttercup" planned therapeutic exercise.  There is some "manual work" that usually needs to be done.

In my case, it's trying to get my back to move a little bit better, the hip and thigh area to not be so tight and to be able to just walk without a brace on something.

The last 2 sessions had him really pressing on the scar tissue that is built up in my hip and down to my knee.

Let's just say this is no massage. As he has been working on it tears have been rolling down my face.  He keeps on apologizing. I just said do what you have to do if it makes me better.

I'm actually feeling a bit of relief in that lower back. But, there is always a but, my hip and entire right leg have been spasming because of the work he's been doing to help my back!

I'm hoping that with diligence of my home program I will be able to enjoy life a bit more soon.

In the mean time, I am just using my mantra of "suck it up, buttercup".

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