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Sunday, October 15, 2023


Superstition Isn't a Bad Thing

Right now I'm saying a little prayer, simulating knocking on wood-as well as crossing my fingers.

Despite everything, I am hoping for the following this week:

Sunshine, who decided she doesn't want no stinking medicine squirted down her mouth, will continue to improve enough that we might get to go back to a short walk.

That I finally get my permanent crown without any more holdups!  I am looking forward to eating raw veggies and using both sides of my mouth.

Finally, that after over two weeks of phone/portal tab-l  formally lock down both day/time to get at least one band's trigger finger surgically released.  The other hand will probably not be until next year.  

I'm really not superstitious (if I were, would I be writing this blog???), but I need a week without drama.

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