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Thursday, February 01, 2024


This Bites!

Maybe I should have titled this, "Repeat"?

My root canal experience wasn't fun.  I still felt something wasn't exactly right.  The dentist tried fixing the crown but it was for naught.  So, back to the endodontist I went.

Turns out the molar next to the one he fixed was also fractured!

Today, I went to get a temporary crown, again.

I could have gone straight to the root canal but opted to start with just the crown.  The dentist said I have a 70% chance of just this being successful.

Odds are in my favor it appears.  This time I know not to be miserable and in pain though!  If any of the check list begins, I will call the office immediately.

For the moment I think I'll just sit here in my Ila and enjoy my true crime shows.

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