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Friday, October 23, 2020
Totally Toothless
With the help of Adam, I managed to hobble the girls over to the vet for their teeth cleaning. This is where 2020 still continues to push its horrors on us.
Now we know our Chihuahua mixes have a tendency toward bad teeth. After all, 3 years ago Lucky lost for little front teeth because they were loose. But otherwise her mouth was good then. Poor Sunshine however, thanks to the awful people who abused her before we adopted her, have lost six of her teeth due to the abuse.
This time are beloved Dr Young started with Lucky. Our 6 lb wonder is now 9ish. Seems despite the special formula added to their water and a daily greenie she still needed two molars, a canine and another front tooth extracted.
Within 10 minutes of finishing, Lucky was up and asking to be held and pampered. The report was that she acted as if nothing happened and just wanted to be babied. That is nothing new for her! I think if she could Lucky would spend her entire day on my lap being petted.
Then Dr Young moved on to Sunshine.
Because of the abuse and having six of her teeth already gone her jaw was completely off kilter and it caused a lot of problems. To say the very least.
In total, Sunshine lost 14 teeth! Somewhere loose, a couple of them she had broken and they were very jagged. Others were so bad they had formed abscesses and receding gum line.
The vet said from now on she will probably have a hillbilly smile.
Both girls are not your typical chihuahuas. They are not snappy. They are not yappy. They are sweet as could be and love cuddling. So for Sunshine with all those problems in her mouth to still be as sweet and cuddly as she is is truly a miracle.
Today, they were very happy to eat their watered down wet food and even go out and walk around the backyard for a while.
We knew we were in for a bill! and it wouldn't matter to us in the least if we had known before because we love those two very much. But, let's just say that our twice a month breakfast out will be curtailed for a while to pay the almost $1,600 bill to make sure our babies feel up to their best!
Thanks again 2020!