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Thursday, March 10, 2022


All About the Girls

Not gonna lie.This week has been all about the girls.  

While the older one has done just fine with her stitches and her teeth being pulled, the younger one has had some difficulties.

Of course,The older one has been our little drama queen. She can hardly wait for someone to pick her up and tell her everything would be fine. She only lost 2 teeth and has a mere 2 stitches where are the chat used to be under her ear.  

Her sister, also lost 2 teeth, but she now only has maybe 8 or 10 left in her mouth. Four of  which are her fangs in the front!  Because she had that skin tag at the top of her head and a rather large cyst on her neck she must have been in more pain than Lucky.  

While she never whined or showed any signs of pain,  she did manage to rip four of five stitches out from her neck.  Pretty good, considering she was wearing the "come of shame"!

Steve and I bought CBD lavender calming spray as well as various forms of ointments and bandages to keep her at bay until Monday morning.  I threw on some sweats and got her down there at 7:30 only to find out that they didn't open until 9 that day. Sigh.

When I took another look at her neck however it looked like it was sealing up!  Not wanting to watch our baby shaking like a leaf for an hour and 1⁄2, I drove us back home and took a look and it looked as if everything was fine.  I had taken some pictures the night before when it really looked pretty ugly. Since Steve and I were on our way to run errands we decided to stop and show the get the photos.

Because of the size, she wanted to make sure that no infection was setting in and asked me to bring her in the next afternoon. She prepared us for possibly having to have a staple put in.So I did. Thankfully, no infection and no staple!  Just one visibly shaken dog and one very upset older sister to cuddle the rest of the week.  

It's truly amazing -we still worry about our two legged middle-aged kids!  Now, we also worry about our 4-legged ones as well.

I have to admit, however, it's much easier to pick them up and take care of them!

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