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Friday, January 16, 2015


Happy Birthday to Lucky

Lucky’s Birthday


It’s hard to believe but a few days ago was Lucky’s second birthday.  Oh I know when Adam and Sam found her that freezing morning in that wash she was somewhere between 8 months and a year old, but for us her birth happened on that January 11th.


We don’t remember what life was like “BL” (BEFORE LUCKY, DUH) but we’re very happy to know what it’s like with her.  Even Pepper loves his little sister.  It did take 5 long weeks of hissing and barking while scaling baby gates, but he loves her all the same.


When we first took her in we tried ever so hard NOT to fall in love-after all the first week we tried our best to see if there was a family out there missing her and crying.  Thank goodness the 3 general pet rescues and the 2 Chihuahua rescues came up empty because by the end of day 3 we adored her-accidents and all.


Yes we loved her, babied her, spoiled her and practically had a catered party for her every time she “went” in the yard-but we felt that she deserved all of that and more.  It became very obvious to us that whoever had her first did NOT feel the need to show her love.  Tiny, scared and in need of gentle hugs Lucky made us realize that small packages really do contain the most precious of gifts.


Two years later, Pepper and she share the left side of my body (and the bed) and blankets while sleeping.  He taps on her and nips her ears when that 7 a.m. alarm is about to go off and the morning “bath” is still a habit.


But now instead of giving up-Lucky “tells” Pepper that he’s late! 


While our little love bug can’t possibly walk as long as her predecessors (our first Lucky who was a shepherd mix and of course Sunshine, a Goldie/lab mix) she makes me well aware that once the sun hits the back door it’s time to get her weather appropriate outerwear and leash and start off on our mile long tour of the neighborhood.


Another change is that when we first adopted her she had no idea what a doggy treat was or what to do with it.  In truth, she thought it was something that meant she was naughty.  She’d cower, shake and roll over-tears coming out of her eyes.  It was heart-breaking.


Today, her stomach must tell her when it’s 6:30 because she can be sound asleep on my lap and suddenly pops up and runs for the cupboard.


As I said when we shared her arrival with everyone here-we were going to adopt a pup but while sometimes you search for the right one-sometimes the right one comes to you.

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