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Saturday, April 11, 2020


Happy Your Holiday

This is a rather odd year. I know a lot of people are very upset because they can't be with their families. This goes for both Easter Sunday and for those of us who are celebrating Passover.

Since we have all been more or less seeing each other daily for either walks or tossing a ball around the backyard we're still forging ahead with a Seder tonight.  We are under 10! No one counts the empty chair for Elijah.

As usual, the girls and I are sharing the load. While Sarah is handling the matzo ball soup and gefilte fish, Sam is making a balsamic and honey carrot fish as well as an Israeli vegetable salad. I have taken on the creation of the Seder plate, a macaroon torte and a kugel.

Sarah also wanted the kids to have a craft so she's bringing extra matzoh to make "crack"!

Steve is handling the job as the leader of the Haggadah. This will be Jackson and Bryce's first Seder.
And now that Jackson can read it will be his first go at reading the four questions.

We hope this becomes a tradition even though the times right now are tough.

Despite everything happening in the world today my wish is for all of you to have a wonderful holiday no matter what and how you choose to celebrate.

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