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Friday, June 24, 2011


Happy Independence Day, Early!

Happy 4th, Early!

I know it’s over a week off-but I won’t be here.

No, not me-I’ll be visiting our daughter, son-in-law and my two precious grandsons starting Thursday.

In one way, I can hardly wait for my plane to land at the Sky Harbor Airport in Phoenix and in another way, I’m a bit sad. I’ve never been away from my husband on July 4th. In fact, when I stayed in Phoenix for New Year’s and missed his birthday-it was the only time we had ever been apart on any holiday, let alone something as important as the day of his arrival on the planet.

I suppose that we’ve been lucky to say that in 31 + years together. With families moving away from each other for schooling, careers and lives in general, we’ve been one of the more fortunate couples in this arena.

Still, I’m sure as I’m doing my version of playing with the boys at the local community pool and watching the fireworks during the evening picnic I’ll be thinking of my husband and the fact that I’ll be missing seeing my mom until the actual day of her 81st birthday-the 5th. We usually do get together on the 4th and do a whole BBQ/birthday bash-but obviously with me 350 miles away, that’s not happening.

The boys are already making plans to have me walk to the park and watch them play under the tented equipment. Our daughter checked out the local urgi-center to see if they had a nurse that could fill in and give me my weekly shots. That came back with yes, there is a center and no they can’t as the place will be shut down for the holiday.

Strange on that point, I guess I’m always thinking ahead about “what if”-you know, what if someone gets hurt at the pool, what if someone gets a bad piece of BBQ’d anything, what if someone gets hurt from a flying/floating fireworks ember?

Either way, I’m looking forward to spending time with our daughter and family-just wishing that there would have been a way for Steve to join us.
I suppose it’s fair, he went without me at the beginning of last December. He went to a local wild animal park, a trip my daughter made sure that I won’t miss this time around. We’re also taking a drive up to the beautiful and serene Sedona area.

Maybe it’s because I am “of a desert people”, but I’m looking forward to the extreme heat and the dryness of the air.

Have a wonderful week and safe celebrating with your family, friends, warm weather and love.

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