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Sunday, October 27, 2024


Pet Peeves

No, not another blog on my beloved baby girls.

Lately, for me, it's the lack of pronunciation skills from people.  Eliding of important letters and the obnoxious use of a certain word drive me crazy!

First, why not say a letter?  Is it to save time?  Do you think you sound cool? For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, the word is IMPORTANT.

Now that I have written it, does it ring a bell?

I've noticed that even newscasters say "impor'ant".  That "T" isn't silent. Pronounce the freaking letter!!

The next word I am talking about is "LIKE".

Oh my God,  when you speak please don't include the word in between every other one!

The other night we were listening to an interview.  The woman was highly intelligent.  Yet, in the five minute segment, this woman said "like" somewhere around 25 times!

No one needs to use the word unless more definition is legitimately needed.

Obviously,  there are more speech issues that drive me a bit batty, but these are the ones irritating me most at this moment.

Have any of you noticed any unfortunate lapses in speech that annoy you to distraction?

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