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Saturday, April 01, 2023


Claustrophobia and Clutter Don't Mix

I admit it.  I am a claustrophobic. I also cannot stand clutter. That said my husband does not have a problem going overboard on both creating clutter and enjoying it.

My thought was that I told him he could clutter his nightstand, his desk and his side of the bathroom sink. You would think that was enough room. Not so for a person who thinks clutter is fun.

One of the reasons for this is that his mother is a certified messpot.  So while it may not be nature it certainly is due to nurture.

My dear husband of 42 years also gets very excited about vacations.  This really is a good tie-in.  We are in countdown time until our transatlantic cruise. He started cluttering up the kitchen counter about 2 weeks ago.

He doesn't just put it in a stack so I can still see the rest of the house. Nope. My darling husband likes to have each item spread out so he can see everything individually.  He also gets quite upset if I stack it all up and push it to where I don't have to look at it.

If that isn't enough to make a claustrophobic go crazy then I should add that his side of the sink has now been encroaching on my side!  I cannot tell you the amount of plastic bottles, various types of grooming paraphernalia and other Knicks knacks abound over our 8' of counter.  

He claims he'll forget all of it otherwise.  I highly suggested using his phone app for any and all related lists.  He ignored me.

Steve also loves to eat, a LOT, on cruises. With nine sea days he's been stressing me out over eating!  Reminding him that vacations are not supposed to be this much work fell on, quite literally, deaf ears.  Pretty sure he deliberately turned off his hearing aids.

But now I am old and I just don't need or want the stress.  Turning a blind eye is really difficult. It's also very necessary.

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