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Wednesday, August 23, 2017


Happy Birthersary, Sunshine!

Hard to believe, but Wednesday we celebrated Sunshine's 2nd birthday and her one year anniversary as part of the Nadel clan!

This has been one fast year cram packed with changes of all sorts.

We gave the birthersary girl a special bone and lots of singing.  She loved the bone and gave us strange looks on the singing.   LOL.

In the last 12 months Sunshine has gone from being a very shy and scared girl to showing us quite a personality.  At first, she'd cower and hide her head and cry just from us wanting to give her a kiss.  Now, she wakes me up every morning giving me a face full of kisses and tells us (quite verbally, I might add) that she wants us to pick up Lucky and take them out potty.

For the most part (knocking on wood and praying I'm not jinxing anything), she is also quite house-broken.  Lucky loves to have her around-they sleep together, bathe each other and Sunshine simply can't go out potty without the company of her sister.  Pepper seems to love her a lot as well.

He watches his "girls" when they're in the yard, greets them when they come in and loves to get his kisses from both of them.  He's also been hiding behind certain cabinets and in the reclining sofa to bat at them when they walk by.

Sunshine has some of the qualities of our beloved first Sunshine:  loves to be cuddled and hugged, gets excited when she sees the grand kids, can hardly wait for a walk and has those big brown eyes that make your heart both melt and soar.

I'm pretty sure #1 Sunshine is looking at her baby Pepper's new sisters and is happy that he has them both in her absence.  Sometimes I swear I see that same big smile on this Sunshine's precious face.  Here's hoping our second year brings nothing but more love and good times.

On the flip side of Sunshine-poor Lucky is still having the residual effects from her fall off the bed just before I got sick.  We were unaware until I decided that even if it was just to cross the street into the pocket park, I had to start walking.  That's when I noticed she barely made it into the park when she'd sit down and hold up the paw and cry.

So Tuesday, I did my first solo drive of over 1/4 mile and met a friend for coffee and took Lucky to the vet.  Turns out the paw is fine-she pinched a nerve in her shoulder.

Sigh.  Does she fit in with this family or what?

Our wonderful vet said that just the painkillers weren't going to help and sent me home with the added medications of both an NSAID and a muscle relaxant.  Poor little thing.

But as close as the vet could guessimate-she should be feeling much better by the end of the week.  If not, then it's time for an x-ray.

Please cross your fingers and toes that Lucky is back to doing her Jack Russell imitation by the time you read this blog!

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