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Friday, January 19, 2024


Kids Will be Kids

WARNING: This entry could be considered TMI!

At 66 years of age I thought I was officially over getting puked on.  Let's face it, my youngest grandchild is 8.  I would hope Bryce would find the toilet or kitchen sink before my clothes, should the unfortunate need arise.

Yet, one can never really count on common sense, can one?  Isn't that what Murphy's Law is so about?

However, I am the proud mom to two elderly Chihuahua mix babies.

By now you have probably figured out what my yesterday entailed.

We came home from a lovely walk.  Girls took in some water and curled up for a nap.  I prepared my lunch and whatever possible for dinner.  I could hear the snoring.

Later, when I finally sat down, our older baby woke up and presumably wanted to snuggle.  Lucky quickly stood up and hopped over to Steve's recliner where Sunshine was peacefully napping. Right after Lucky woke her sister up -it was back into my lap.

Then it happened.

Ew!  She looked me straight in the eye and threw up!  This was followed by her jumping off and barking all the way to the door to be let out.

I accommodated as fast as I could, despite the obvious.

While Lucky went out for whatever -I carefully got the defiled shirt off, rinsed and redressed. Fortunately, everything went on me, not my recliner.  Still, both of us were NOT amused.

But wait, there's more!

The rest of the day went fine and unscathed -until bedtime...

Yep,  I put Lucky on the bed while I accomplished my nightly rituals.  I came back to the bed to find Lucky furiously licking our blanket.

Ew, why would any living soul clean the "mess" like that???

Plus, it's winter people!  We need that blanket.  Out came two handcrafted blankets my mom lovingly knitted when we moved in 11 years ago. Our blanket went right into the washing machine.  

Steve switched to into the dryer and put it back on the bed before he left for work this morning.

Today's a new 24 hours.  Let's hope it will be less of a reminder from my days as a day care provider when everyday had me cleaning up the leftovers of life.

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