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Friday, April 23, 2010



I'm talking food allergies and substitutions-  

Here We Go Again

It’s that time again here in our family-BIRTHDAY MONTH. Yes, my betrothed baby is going to be 26. My daughter is going to be 28. How did this take place? Her husband will be 29, my dad 81 and my goodness, my nephew-who was one of my first day care kids, is not only turning 18, but the boy is graduating High School.

Plus, my sister-in-law, brother-in-law and my son-in-law’s mother are all having birthdays as well. Now we’ll add our son and daughter-in-law’s wedding to the pot, Mother’s Day and finish up with my sister-in-law’s anniversary.

Before we start-we’re broke. This year we also have the rehearsal dinner. No wonder we didn’t go away for our own anniversary this year.

But birthdays, anniversaries and weddings are wonderful things. They mean that our family is alive and growing. It’s good cause for getting together and celebrating.

We all need more happy occasions. Certainly beats funerals.

This year is a lot different for us. It’s the first time our daughter and family won’t be coming to the house for birthday dinner. It’s a bit of a hike from Phoenix to Orange County. But I’ll be lucky enough to be with them for the grandma cruise, so we’ll celebrate on board the Splendor. Guess I’ll even dress up and wear my orthopedic Mary Janes for the party.

Adam and Sam no longer live with us, but they’ll pack up Lilly (their border collie) and come over for dinner. Another first-instead of coming downstairs, they’ll drive the 7 miles.

We’ll be lucky enough to still hold the family party on Mother’s Day. In fact the latest Mr. and Mrs. N will join the whole family (except for 1 trouble causer) on the first full day of their marriage at a restaurant overlooking one of our areas manmade lakes. Then they can enjoy their day together, grandparents will go home, aunt/uncle/cousins will leave and I will move from restaurant to pier and wave goodbye.

Life is amazing. Each year we thankfully celebrate the same wonderful events, but each year something changes just a bit-so that we never get bored or take for granted all that we have to enjoy.

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