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Saturday, September 28, 2024


Part 4 Kitchen Now  

Part 3 Before Kitchen  

Can't Believe It, Pt. 2

Guest bath after:  

Can't Believe It

Sorry about this but I just can't seem to get more than one photo at a time.  Before and after on our latest efforts.  I also can't get my phone to turn the before guest bathroom photo.

Saturday, September 14, 2024


Up, Down and All Around

 Since my last post, things have been, well, quite something.  Our emotions have run the gamut from happy/thrilled to indifference and sadness.

Thrilled for Dylan!  He's begun to navigate through his senior year and what's coming next.  Watching Aidan grow as he realizes working is actually work.  Jackson is doing better than ever now that he's fully healed!  Bryce is back to cheerleading.  She's also starting singing lessons.

Sarah, Adam and Sam are doing great!  Also quite busy.

Of course there's also the flip side. Sigh.

Lucky, our 12-ish 6 pound 4-legged boss child, has been quite under the weather.  This is probably way too much information and I'm sorry.

Poor baby ruptured her anal glands.  Outside of when she hurt her back, she's never been in so much pain.  We just finished her antibiotics and gabapentin.

At least with Lucky it's easy to get the meds into her.  Wednesday, I take both dogs in for re-checks and blood work.

Tuesday I meet my 5th new primary in 3 years.  Here's my indifferent part.  I have little hope of her staying long enough to form a medical relationship.

Then to wrap up -Steve's mom passed away.  Almost 95, very fragile and bent over, she fell and broke 6 ribs, wound up with both congestive heart failure and pneumonia.  The hospital ER doctor bordered on elder abuse.  

Another topic, possibly, for a different time.

They got her to rehab where she immediately tested positive for covid.

Steve literally got there within 30 minutes of her passing.

Tomorrow we will be up at 4 a.m.. Drive to Los Angeles (8 hours, if we're in God's good graces), have the funeral, reverse the former and hopefully be home by midnight.

Sam, younger grands and all the pets will stay at home.  I don't envy Sam!  Sunshine is a difficult eater.  Plus, she still has hard feelings about Daisy.  

With all this said, I wish everyone peace and good health.

Friday, August 30, 2024



This week we had tickets to Chicago and Earth, Wind and Fire.  We were really looking forward to seeing and hearing the show.

But unfortunately, it was beyond a disappointment!

We have no idea if either band was still as good as we remembered because we had the worst sound engineer ever!

A whole lot of people in our area kept asking, "Is it just me or are you having issues hearing the music and understanding the words?"

We were all sending the Footprint Arena notifications about this problem.  So far, I haven't heard anything from them.

Then we got hosed, royally, at the food court!  We knew it would be a forced expense but really?!?!  $60!!  We split a $9 soda.  My chicken sandwich was quite short of the promised protein, we split a fry and Steve had chicken fingers.

We left early.  That's when date night went really bad.

Our parking lot was a good half mile away but Steve said he found a better way of getting there.

First he said we had to take one flight of stairs. HA!  It was 3!  I had already done my max stair allotment getting to our seats.

Tears of pain had hit by the time we got out of the arena.

It was 109 degrees!  Then Steve's easier way had us walking in endless circles for an hour.  By then we were both drenched in sweat, spasming in many parts of our bodies and a bit scared!  This is downtown Phoenix!

Finally found the car!  Decided on our 40 minute trip home that this was our final concert.

Date night was way too adventurous and expensive for us.

Saturday, August 24, 2024


Pet Peeves

Let me start by saying I am an independent.  Both political parties have become a scary thought to me.

I have no idea if anyone else has been bombarded with spam basically telling me how disappointed they are in me for not contributing to "my" candidate.

Yes, it all goes to my junk file.  Yes, I block and delete.  But, somehow, I have still been receiving more than three a day!

As time goes on and closer to the actual election, these messages seem to becoming more aggressive and nasty.

Next pet peeve.  We live caddy corner to a pocket park with a view.  A few years ago when a friend and I were still walking at an ungodly hour in the morning, we came upon what appeared to be a homeless camp in n the bottom of the wash.  We called the non-urgent police line and they came out and cleared it and meshed up the entire pipe.

Well, last week I went outside to clean up some wildlife remnants and saw what appeared to be a homeless cart just sitting there.

Kids play there.  School kids use that park to both bike and walk to school.  I couldn't believe that the houses that look right at it didn't report it.  

So I gave it a day before I called.  I was told someone would come out the next day and remove it.

Well they most certainly did not.  Plus another neighbor at another pocket park told everyone about another cart!

No response from their report either.  But, since their park is closer to the school they removed it.

Last peeve...

Sunshine is back to being picky.  Good thing since Fresh Pet contacted me and said we shouldn't feed our baby their food because it's too high in phosphorus.

A toddler has nothing on Sunshine.  Part of our refrigerator looks like a science lab!  Stacked with covered bowls with food for her to try.

If only Greenies would make a kidney diet daily food!

Just a happy side note:  Today, 8 years ago, we adopted our sweet picky eater.  HAPPY ADOPTION DAY SUNSHINE!!!!  

That is all.

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Shameless Plug

The company will probably never know about this absolutely unbiased and uncompensated post, but here's the story:

As you may know, Sunshine, our slightly younger and not so healthy pup, hasn't been wanting to eat.  Not even the homemade smoked chicken/turkey, rice and veggies!

Because of her latest medical issues, we did spend quite a bit of money on the prescription food that our "other family doctor" wanted her to eat.  We're talking $5 a can folks and $40 for a 4 pound bag of kibble.

She did eat it-twice.  Thank goodness I only bought one can.  The dry food is met with her version of "stink eye".

But, even though we swore we'd never buy refrigerated food-we bought a log of Fresh Pet.

Okay, she's not supposed to have brown rice or peas, but she wasn't eating!  Even the vet said, "our goal is to get her eating!"

I don't know why, nor do I care-Sunshine has been eating!  Every meal she eats with relish!  She even puts her paw into the bowl to lick it clean!!

So, while they will probably never know (even though I will definitely be going straight to their website to both let them know and suggest a kidney friendly version) I want to thank Fresh Pet!

May my baby continue to enjoy your food for a very long time.

Saturday, August 03, 2024


Ever Hear of the $6 Million Man?

Well, it's been quite the week àround here!

Dylan started his Senior year of high school!  He was also accepted to NAU (Northern Arizona University)!  Still working at his job at the local speakeàsy.

Aidan started his junior year.  He also got his first job at Jack in the Box!  

Jackson started 6th grade!  Middle school already??  He's feeling great.  He certainly has more energy than I do, sigh.

Bryce, when did our new third grader get to be so grown-up?

And now for the reason for this week title:

As you may have noticed, we certainly love our 4-legged children.  This week has been a testament to that fact.  

Thank goodness things are now slightly improved but still a bit tense.  Sunshine, 10-ish with bad kidneys, started feeling poorly. Long story short, 2 days of IV lots of fluids, blood work and trying not to do anything but pray and think only positive thoughts.  Our girl is back home.    

But wait, there's more!  Our vet bill came to about $750!  That was after the 5% senior discouǹt.  Then another $50 in medicine.  Good thing we our homebodies!  

That said, she ate her breakfast this morning before the appetite stimulant, went to the bathroom twice and looks much better.

Some might not agree with our expenditure -that's okay for them.  

Looking at her comfortably snoozing on her dad's recliner with her favorite blanket is all we need to know that we made the right decision for for us.   

Remember, 2 years ago we were told we'd lose her in 4-8 months.  We a are blessed that we have her and hope it's for a long, long time.

Sunday, July 21, 2024


Simply Amazing Part 2

Do you see that handsome young man in the picture below???

That's our eldest grandson in his Senior portrait!  

How did Dylan get to this monumental time of his life??? Wasn't it just yesterday that I wrote about his birth?  

Sigh of astonishment and love.  Teary-eyed with pride.  We know that graduation isn't until May.

But life just seems to be flying by faster than it once did.

I suppose I had better start saving my stack of "purse" tissues for the ceremony now. 

Pretty sure Steve will ask to use one or two.  

Simply Amazing

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