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Friday, June 20, 2008



Being sick really sucks. Last week our daughter called me at work, “Mom, Aidan’s throwing up everywhere!” She wound up taking him to the doctor’s. The verdict-a stomach virus/flu. He was okay, just miserable. Poor little baby. You can’t explain to a five month old why they feel this bad or what barfing is all about.

Father’s Day-Aidan’s older brother Dylan was fine until he started to take a nap. Poor little guy-he threw up so much that they went from my sister’s home to the hospital. He had to have an IV. Dehydrated-big time.

They got home. It was Daddy’s turn. He threw up about 6 times and collapsed. He had to be at work the next morning, no fail, he just started this job. Then our daughter got it. Like all mothers, she had to forget about being sick, because the she still had to take care of both kids. They stopped throwing up, not it was flowing out the other end.

Tuesday, 3:30 p.m. at the day job-I start feeling really, really, really queasy and my head felt as if it was going to explode and I got the chills. Even my hair hurt. I got home, barfed and I was so grateful that someone bought some diet cola. I sipped it. I was running almost 101.

Hubby comes home. He asks if I want some chicken noodle soup. Ick. No thank you honey-I think I’ll just go to bed. Sometime later-he realized he had “it” too. His fever wasn’t as high, but enough to make him feel horrible. Then, our son woke up at 3 a.m.-“Thanks mom”. Now he had it. We’re waiting to here about our future daughter-in-law. She was the only one still standing when she left us the next morning.

“Thanks mom”??? I started this????? It’s always the mom’s fault.

The next day-we all called in sick. This was the first time in 6 years that my husband called in ill. Luckily, as miserable as we all felt, we knew it would be over soon.

I don’t know what I hate worse when I’m sick-being unable to breathe from a cold or feeling as if I’ve used sea foam green as my foundation. Either way, I’m not a very good patient. Thankfully we were all in our separate corners of the house, leaving each other alone.

We did check in every couple of hours to see if the others were still alive, but otherwise we were all so miserable we just wanted to be by ourselves. Wow, a whole day off and all we did was sip clear fluids and work our way up to toast and jam for dinner.

Obviously the stomach flu happens to make you appreciate just how great a cup of green tea and saltines really taste. Maybe not as gourmet as a rosemary/mint/garlic and lemon roasted chicken over some brown rice pilaf with a side of raspberry-Greek spinach salad, but after two days of medical torture-it tasted mighty fine.

I don't know. I can't even THINK green when I'm sick. Makes me feel worse.

Guess it's better to have flu than salmonella, which is going around also courtesy of tainted tomatoes and has similar symptoms. Our youngest was barely home from the hospital when he contracted salmonella. (How we'll never know) It took several trips to the doctors and two trips to the hospital before he was finally diagnosed and treated appropriately. Poor kid.
I sure do feel for you and your family having been through that nasty flu bug. I'm sorry it was no vacation for you, it never is.

We had the same thing at Christmas time. Our grandson came with the bug and we were unaware of it until he excused himself...headed out the back door and projected the Christmas Eve dinner and party goodies all over the flower bed and down the front of his new shirt! Thank God, he didn't do it at the table!

Christmas day after all our guests left. My husband came down with it, and so did I. We had relatives that were flying out and it hit them. Every guest, other than my 85 year old MIL, got it. We were more concerned that if his mom got it, it could really do her in. But thank the Lord again, she never got it.

I hope the bug doesn't make it here again.


Big Dave...I'm sorry to have read your ordeal with your youngest having salmonella. Thank God the doctors were able to treat it.

Right now, I miss tomatoes. I think...I will head to the Saturday market and buy some home grown ones tomorrow.
SimplySaid, wrote the comment above. I forgot about the "anonymous" thingy.

Carine...It's good to have you back...I hope all your other glitches are done with, too. :D

Dave, oh dear-salmonella-Yikes. Way worse than this one. Poor Dyl and Aidan are still unable to contain things in a diaper. ew, poor mommy.
I'm much less green today, thank goodness.
simply said,
You are fortunate that your MIL didn't get it. somehow-just the parents, grandkids and uncle came down w/ it. believe me, we're counting out blessings!
Hope that you feel better soon, Carine !
thanks Annie, How have you been? We're doing much better except for this heatwave. Wanted to make some brownies or cookies for the guys lunches-no way!
I'm so sorry to hear you guys have been so out of it! Jeez your first few weeks 'off' together hasn't gone too well. :( Hope everyone is feeling better and back to normal.

we're getting there Cole. Kicker is-our daughter is already trying to get us to babysit the grandkids for an entire week next April! She's knows we can't take off work, so she wants to try and some sort of interim day care and have us to the weekend and nights!
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