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Friday, March 15, 2013





Lately I’ve had a lot of questions come up-can’t remember them all, but I thought I’d share and hope that anyone who takes a peek here, gives their own 2 cents of how they’d answer them:

1)      My baby has either colic or GERD, possibly both-what should I do?

I was asked to chime in on this post by a cousin by our daughter-in-law Sam on FaceBook.  Adam was severely colicky for his first 6 months.  Besides, after running a day care for 10 years-I know gas and colic.


My answer was: raise the top of the crib, get a hot water bottle, use whatever the latest and greatest bottle is that doesn’t allow air into the chamber.  Put the baby into its car seat and place them on the dryer and turn it on.  Go for a car ride.  Get a swing.  If nursing-review what may cause gas and STOP eating it.  If on formula-it’s not the right one.  I also said that no matter what, Adam screamed so loud and long that he herniated his navel.  We put him on Phenergan and then-we got ear plugs and kept on rocking him until he stopped.  He sat up the same week.


2)      What’s more important-making your parents happy or yourself?


This won’t be popular with many.  Everyone has their own reasons for whatever answer you would say, but I think you need to be happy.  Let’s face it, if mom/dad say you have to become a doctor and you have an aversion for sick people-they may be happy but you’ll not do what’s best for those people looking for relief from what ails them and you’ll be miserable-making you a rotten doctor who no one wants.  Same goes for any other topic that any parent thinks they have a right to tell you how you should respond.  That goes for what exercise you enjoy, books to read, movies to watch, etc…


3)      When you’re writing, what do you feel is the most important thing to get across-the facts or the feel of what it is you’re trying to write about?


This may seem like the same thing-it’s not.  For me, the facts have to be correct.  No one wants to read an article that may sound great, but has so many inaccuracies that it’s hard to know whether or not you should trust what you’re reading.  I always want to put my interviewee in the best light, but you shouldn’t put made up items in there either.


4)      If you couldn’t write, what would you want to do instead?


There’s a scary thought.  For those who aren’t writers-exchange it for what you do love to do for your career.  I did put my writing aside for 25 years.  Then I didn’t mind one bit, because I had done so voluntarily to raise our kids.  Now though, while I’m certainly not ever going to even be able to keep my own head level with the water line-I need my writing to be me.  It’s part of who and what I am.  I’ll end here because honestly-that question threw me for a complete loop-de-loop and I still don’t know what I’d replace this part of my life with.


Have any of you had a poser put to you this week?  If so, share it and maybe an answer will come through the post that will help!

Colic, I don't know. We had a pretty fussy baby but we just rocked him and drank heavily (just kidding about the second).

As a journalist, I probably did half and half with number three. I wasn't a fast writer nor a good note taker so sometimes I would summarize the gist of what my subject was getting at in my own words. Not sure I was always 100 percent successful there.

I think it's important to be happy yourself. And I try to retain that philosophy with others, e.g. I may not agree with somebody's choice of a spouse, but if it makes them happy, that's all that counts.

I sometimes wished I had had a few glasses of wine w/ Adam Dave! But I didn't. Poor guy had it so bad that he herniated his navel w/ the screaming. We rocked, we put him on the dryer, we gave him nutramagin (world's most expensive formula even now), and drove around for hours! when all else failed, we had to cave and give him phenergan. :-(

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