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Friday, October 02, 2015


Interesting Questions and Responses

Our older grandsons come up with some very interesting questions.  Most of the time we have some sort of answer.  Luckily the one up for discussion this week was one of them.

Aidan was asking me if I suddenly became rich-what would I do?

Without hesitating, I told him I would hire a housekeeper so that grandpa could have that "taken off his plate" of weekly activities.

Dylan said, "Grandma, I thought you wanted that dirt plot in the yard finished or your floors re-done.  Even your bathroom that you hate.  What about those?"

I said (honestly) that he was right, but that if I were rich-those would definitely get done, but I'd like to make something a bit easier for grandpa since he had to work so hard and then come home and do nothing but chores and help me with the shopping.

Both boys wanted to know if there was anything else I'd do?  It didn't take long to say, "well, if money really were no longer an object I had to consider, I'd love to help all those sad dogs and cats that have been abandoned and abused and help them to have a place to feel safe and loved."

They were satisfied with my answers.  So was I.  I also sighed about the fact that there would be no sudden "wealth" to accomplish any of those ideas.

On the other end of the question scale is Jackson, a mere 25 months to his cousins 7-1/2 and 8-1/2 years and just really getting started on this talking thing, has only eyes for grandpa (once I've given him a stream of grandma kisses and one "explosion" fist bump) asked, "poppa, eat it?"

For those who don't know-Jackson has a bit of grandma in him, he's just not much for protein coming from an animal.  We were having breakfast with Adam and Jackson when our son ordered the little guy some chocolate chip pancakes.  It came with bacon and sausage.  He thinks the pancakes are actually a slice of cake, so those get tasted first.

His mood decides on how much he'll eat of those.  Sometimes only a bite, sometimes half the plate.  But the bacon and sausage?  More often than not he'll say, "daddy, eat it".  And then he asks poppa to have some.

Not wanting to hurt his feelings, both men eat the meat.  Even if it's already been in Jackson's mouth.

He thankfully has NOT asked me to share his bounty.  You've got to admit though-getting two grown men to eat sort-of pre-digested pork means there's a whole lot of love going on.

And that's it for this week-interesting questions and responses.

Kids do sometimes ask very interesting questions. When I was a child, one of my parents favorite topics of conversation was to imagine how they would spend their money if they won the lottery. Now I do the same thing with my wife. We hardly ever remember to buy a ticket, though, which I'm guessing doesn't improve our chances.
Same here Bun, hubby's the one who will buy 5 tix when it gets over $20 mil. otherwise, we don't even try. Once-he won $4. woo hoo, almost there! LOL
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