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Friday, April 29, 2016


We're having fun!

Very cute! Is this from your cruise? Our formal portraits came out very well this time so we purchased it and a frame.
We actually took the package deal on the photos that Celebrity offers Kathy. Then we do every single offered area every night, plus the informal ones in the restaurants and ports-wherever and whenever we can! We get all of them, plenty to give to relatives as gifts and there are obviously some that we toss b/c they're really awful. LOL All in all, most of them were pretty good, I must say. The ones I hated was in my infamous "yellow" dress. love the fit, love the style-HATE THE COLOR.
Good idea cuz you just never know which ones will turn out. For us, it's usually the impromptu photos - formal portraits, not so much. Or one of us comes out looking good and not the other - lol! This time we both did pretty well.
same here. Steve always seems to look great, me not so much.
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