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Thursday, July 28, 2016


I Love August

I know you are all thinking I'm crazy-but there's some "method" to my loving August in the desert:


Yes!  Monday, August 8th-the boys will be back in school.

It was hard enough when they were really little to keep them busy between grades but now?

Well-let's just say I applaud our local librarians and the volunteers.  Without them I'm not quite certain I would've kept my sanity for the last two years.  They are FAN-FREAKIN'-TASTIC!

The volunteers sponsor the summer library reading program.  As you saw from a few pictures the boys were kept quite involved in creating everything from solar ovens and solar meals to stress balls and tee shirts.  This past week was the last of "Maker Camp" and the Thursday morning "Open House" events. 

The boys made their own coasters with plastic beads, vanity buttons and were allowed to have a last afternoon of both lego creating and electrical robot activities.  On Thursday morning it was "Celebrating the Olympics Around the World"-they made their own "Gold" cookie medals, Felt medals, tattoos, balloon ping pong, soda bottle bowling, made their own "torches" and so many other crafts.

In general, going to the park is out after 11 a.m., the boys refuse to wear the under armor shirts and it's too hot to entertain the pool even with the added protection.  There are sun "sails" over the areas but that only works when the sun is straight overhead.  Otherwise-you have that blazing heat coming in sideways.

Next week, in lieu of these activities, I'm using our HOA community center and hoping that there will be some other kids to play:  ping pong, foosball, basketball or whatever else is around.  It's supposed to be total monsoon weather and 112, so I'm doubting even a toe dip at the water park or a few laps in the pool will be possible.

Back to loving August.  I will love being able to NOT breaking up sibling fisticuffs, hearing that everything is "boring" (didn't that used to start around the teen years????) and feeling as if I somehow was given a position as head cook in a diner. 

It's going to still feel wonderful to get in the pool and do water aerobics in the morning and it will still be easy to walk at 6 in the a.m. twice a week (especially after my 3 faint-worthy injections to the most pesky knee).  Still won't be thinking "the cooler weather is near at hand".  Summer will be in complete full swing. 

Going to the market without hissing "Dyl, Aidan-behave!"  will be really nice.

I love those boys with all my heart, wouldn't have the summers any other way-except "all good things must come to an end", even if it just goes from having them from 7-6 to 3-6.  It's a nice toss up in the schedule and in our lives.

Just to be sure we re-establish grandpa/grandma time alone-I'm skipping my water class as you read this and Steve and I are taking the "harrah's coach bus" to a local casino for a few hours of totally unlike us frolicking.

They do the driving, give us $10 to play with and bring us back to our parked car!  Yes!  August is almost here, I hear the school bell gearing up to ring and the finish line on another summer vacation period coming to a calm and peaceful end.

Wow, school already. By law here in Michigan school can't start until after Labor Day so not to cheat tourism in the state. You have my utmost admiration in watching those active boys as much as you do. We watch our grandsons just one day a week and that wears us out. And, like you, we take them to activities at the library. Tomorrow is a puppet show.
That's the way it is in CA as well Dave. With it being so hot, I have NO idea why on earth they start them in August!

We had the puppet show a couple of weeks ago. I think since moving here I'm back to "providing child care"-this time though, it for my grandkids. Today, my son's work partner found out her husband had cancer and she was supposed to do a presentation. Grandma to the rescue so he could go in on his day off. Tomorrow, I'll be there after my 6 a.m. walk and then have the boys the rest of the week.

I'm tired realizing all I have on my plate. No wonder those 3 articles I need to write are just sitting in my word file...
I know from your other posts all the things that they kids did at the local library. It sounds an amazing service. I was particularly impressed by the solar oven idea. I would never even have though of that.
We are really so lucky to have a great library system! And it is NOT just the kids either Bun! I took 8 months of Tai Chi (I would have continued but the teacher got to busy to keep coming out our way). They have memoir writing workshops, craft get-togethers, computer classes (if I were smart, I'd find a way to take them) and even 2 different yoga classes. Plus, weekly pre-school/reading hours for the little ones.
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