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Friday, July 10, 2020


What Can I Possibly Add?

I'm beginning to think pass the normal amount that this year needs to end.
In the last week, I went to the dermatologist to have a spot on my arm Frozen since it showed signs of stage 2 skin cancer brought on by my medication for valley fever.

Once the blister has popped I had to start using some chemotherapy cream. now, I cannot say that my arm looks as bad as some of the photos the doctor showed me to expect, but it's not the prettiest of sights.
Then I decided it was high time that I went back to the foot orthopedic. While my right foot is no better or worse and still show signs of that stress fracture from a year-and-a-half ago, my left foot decided it was tired of being left out.

I am now using my boot and even up piece on opposite legs as seen below. it seems that my left foot has developed plantar fasciitis and I managed to get a stress fracture in my heel. I am beginning to think I can thank both my medical insurance company and Medicare for not approving the drug that would help improve the state of my bone structure.
Wearing two cement blocks on my feet is rather awkward. Plus, I was first excited by the fact that at least I could still drive. That was until I realized how much effort it takes since I cannot use the right foot without removing the "even up" addition to the shoe!

I can't feel the pedal.  If I want to go anywhere on my own I have to take a second right shoe so I can take off one put on the one without the additional platform drive take it off and then put the other shoe back on to go and do what I want!

I'm sure you can see since being told to put this apparatus on my lower extremities I still have not tried to drive. A friend and I are supposed to get together to walk the dogs. Yes, I am going to try to hobble with two dogs for about a mile. Any more than that and I have a very very bad feeling that my back and knees will give me grief until the boot has to come off in a month.

While I am not about to say I am depressed or sad, I can definitely tell you I'm disgusted and fed up. and if that isn't enough are stupid Governor is locking down the state again. I am feeling so bad for all the kids who cannot possibly understand why they can't see and socialize with their former classmates and actually have a teacher and class to go to. The parents here have been given three options and they are in the midst of deciding which one is best for their families.

Sarah has decided that homeschooling might be best for the moment. Adam and Sam are still deciding whether to go virtual and homeschool the rest of the time or to use the flex scheduling and have Jackson at least meet up with an actual small version of second grade come a month from now.

Right now, I'm guessing I'm in the majority of people who are tired of 2020.

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