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Friday, August 14, 2020


Cool Spring, Extreme Summer

You probably haven't heard, Arizona is in the midst of the hottest summer in its history.

Stands to reason, after all we can't go and use our community pool. Just walking to the mailbox can make you feel disgustingly sweaty and exhausted.

Our poor little four-legged daughters are not sure what is going on! Of course part of the problem has been that I have several physical problems that have made walking all that much harder. But even if I couldn't walk, doing so at 5:30 in the morning when it is 95° is just not going to happen!

So far, my new form of exercise seems to be driving 25 minutes to physical and sweating in the partially air-conditioned building and then having the therapist do some deep tissue massage. Trust me when I tell you this is not all that pleasant or relaxing.

Yesterday I saw several Stars flying around as she was pressing into the bottom of my plantar fasciitis and stress fractures.

Every single week we all are probably hoping for some kind of improvement.

Along with all the rest of the things going on dash-how many of you have reached your destination for whatever errand it is you are on and realized you left your mask at home?

we've decided the best thing would be to just keep some of the disposable ones in our cars at all times.

Here's to 2020 once again!

Hasn't 2020 been an awful year? I can't think of anyone who thinks otherwise. My hip joints started aching in January and this week I made it to the radiologist for a hip x-ray. My wife came with me but they said with Covid concerns, she had to wait in the car. It is hot here too, though not as bad as where you are.

Hope your PT works out for you. I'm hoping my primary care doctor can find some medications for my RA that works better than Tylenol. Aleve does, but I can't take that he says.
I hear you on all accounts Dave. Mine was pretty in control with the ra with humira but then I couldn't take that anymore because of the valley fever. it took almost two years before they put me on arava. But remember that ulcerr?
Came from all the various NSAIDs. So now I can't take those. I think it's a dirty little secret from generations past not letting us know what's in store for us
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