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Friday, August 28, 2020


Happy Adoption Day, Sunshine!

Finally, I am sharing some happy news. At least for us it's a happy, happy week!

Four years ago we decided that Lucky was in need of a sister.  She and pepper were joined at the hip and we knew what was in store for a beloved little guy.

So, we went to one of the shelters and looked around. There were quite a few 1 year old orphans but Sunshine caught her eye. The others were all yipping and barking. While, the former "Edie", was in her cage looking very sad and shaking. We took her into a special room and spent an hour with her. We found she wasn't scared of people but the surroundings.

It's scary for a 10 lb dog to be in a cage with another strange roommate. They had also just had her spayed. All the dogs were barking and she just wanted someone to hold her. We put a hold on her and brought back Lucky, Dylan and Aidan the next day so we could all have a little bit more time with her and make sure the relationship would work. She had already had a cat test and passed with flying colors.

She immediately started kissing the boys and sniped Lucky up and down.

Lucky seem to know that this was going to be her new best sister. We took her home and by evening the two were snuggled together in a blanket on the floor. They have been inseparable since.

Poor baby also had been abused and wound up having to have numerous teeth that have been broken removed. Through it all she has been nothing but loving and cuddly.

It is hard to believe that it was four years ago, but we have loved about 95% of all those moments! We can't say we love some of her accidents that happened when the weather makes too much noise but we do understand.

May we have as many years with her as with her namesake!

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