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Saturday, August 08, 2020



Or, "the good, the bad and the ugly".

First the good:. Jackson turned 7! All 3 grandsons are getting into the swing of online school. Consequently, so are their parents. I'm out of the boot.

The bad: Sent and started physical therapy, again.  Also got some desperately needed new shoes. Still hurt, still fed up with my skeletal and joint issues.

And now for the ugly: Steve went to work Tuesday and passed out!

Got "THE" call and Sarah and I took the hour drive to basically sit at a local restaurant and wait to hear what happened!

Five days later-only thing we know is that it isn't COVID-19. He's still running a low grade fever and driving me nuts!

Going to either see his PCP Tuesday or video chat. 

Yep, 2020-the year we all really need to end.

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