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Friday, March 19, 2021


Another Week Gone

It seems the older I get the faster time goes. Before I know it another week has gone by. I'm not sure I even accomplished what I thought I should!

I did get to a doctor's appointment to find out what my latest MRI is showing. Nothing good, I assure you. I did get to physical therapy. Since my former therapist was moving to the practices brand new building which was even farther than the original 25 mi one-way trip, I've opted to restart with one of their other offices. Thankfully this one is a round trip of 30 miles! Something I am able to do on my own.

There's a blessing!

Our weather has been quite varied. This week we have had 30° mornings, surprise rainstorms, dealing winds of up to 40 miles an hour and now we are expecting 80° and then some for the entire weekend.

Also, I have noticed that because I have been pushing my rather compromised skeletal system to strengthen some of the parts that are fur babies are now so used to going out for a daily walk that they have become quite insistent.

As soon as they see me coming out of the bedroom dressed they run to the laundry room where their leashes and harnesses reside and whine.

We're not just talking a little bit of noise. These two little bodies shake their tail ends till the point where you think they're going to leave the ground! By their crying noises you'd think that they had been waiting for days to be taken on a walk. and then when I hook them up they are usually so excited that they're spinning in circles! That does not make the task any easier for someone with a compromised mobility system.

Yet, we managed to get out the front door after locking up and turning on the alarm system. they are telling the entire neighborhood that they're leaving for their walk now and get out of the way! They seem to think they own the entire Street!

While Sunshine usually doesn't make much of a fuss-usually more of oh my sister's saying something I should do something! Woof! Woof!  Lucky on the other hand, our 6 lb Wonder, is ready to take on any dog who is passing by. This includes the neighbor who owns a German Shepherd and a pitbull. They look at her barking and give a sniff at her and carry on. I guess at her size she's just not worth the effort!

We have our various routes, which range from a mile and a half to 2 miles.  How far we go depends on obviously their mother's capabilities of the day.  

It was spring break for all the grandss this week.  None of them really did much. Except for Jackson who had his first sleepover!

Adam was prepared for a call in the middle of the night saying he needed to come pick up his son, but it didn't happen! The boys had a fantastic time and asked when they could do it next!

Yes, this week went quite fast but it was a good one.

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