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Saturday, September 11, 2021


Fly Away Already!

Not only have we had heat-breaking records but we've also had quite a lot of rain thanks to monsoon season.  

The fact is we've had so much rain that we have some horrible side effects:

Flies, gnats, mosquitoes and some nasty things that suck blood!

Poor Steve, he was changing a light bulb outside and he didn't even feel whatever it was biting him but a couple of hours later it looks like somebody had taken to is shins with a bat!

Those literal suckers broke blood vessels up and down both legs.

A mosquito definitely got him on His cheek bone!  He was itching a lot.  This is when Benadryl and tea tree oil come into play.

Because of the various bugs it wasn't working. The pharmacist suggested something called "chiggernix".  It really doesn't work any better than the rest.

Somehow the little buggers got under my socks and even in all the other clothed part of my body.

We decided to try something on tiktok that someone posted on facebook. With a bit of effort we finally found some Irish spring soap and we hung get up outside in a Ziploc with poked holes. (Everyone here has been desperate on this matter causing a shortage)

We are still getting bit and we still itch but the patio smells marvelous!

I'm avoiding wooded areas now because of bugs, ticks in particular since one had bitten me already. Mosquitoes are prevalent as well, smaller but more evasive. I think all the rain we've gotten this year has produced a bumper crop of bugs. Sorry to hear someone in your family caught Covid. We've been able to steer clear thus far but now I wonder how well and how long that vaccination is going to protect us.

Take care as always.
Adam is still going through a rough time with blood clots and his breathing. working hard at recovery. Have had 2 friends become widows, one lost not only a brother but a grandchild-in 2 weeks of each other.
It's never ending. think the world has changed permanently and not for the better.
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