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Sunday, June 05, 2022


Mornings are Rough

The girls are changing schedules. Definitely not for the better!

Steve left a little over a week ago for his grandpa trip with Sarah and the boys.  Since then, The girls have made it appoint to wake up at 4:30 AM.  Now it was bad enough when they got up at 5:15, but this is not doable.

The day feels as if it is half over by the time 9:00 AM rolls around.  I've never been a morning person.  

This morning was the absolute straw breaking moment. They actually had the nerve to wake me up at 3:40!  

Then because they are creatures of habit, they wanted me to feed them.  So not going to happen.

I put them both back into the bed and told them to go to sleep.

Lucky obliged.  Sunshine eventually settled down. It took me at least 30 minutes to dose off.  

All too soon, both of them started whining.  Then Lucky, our little Miss Bossy pants, barker at me and kept hitting my head!


I got up. Fed them.  Figured I'd try a new breakfast down craze that The Kitchen, on Food Network, showed.  Yogurt toast.  

Nope, nope.

Was horrible, easy enough, but I would have rather had my usual oatmeal concoction of peanut butter toast. At least Steve didn't make comment...

Coincidentally I just returned from my own western adventure with my son and three grandsons. Most of the national parks and monuments we visited I've seen before so what was most fun was enjoying the comments and companionship of the grandkids. My wife was on her own and thankfully did not have to deal with any animals in the house. I say thankfully because the night before I left we had bats in the house. I only managed to get one. The other is still at large.
Poor Wendy!
We have 1 of the desert lizards get in the house once ! It was pretty scary Since I'm not 1Any kind of wild life in house.
Steve had a put a trap in the bedroom and Then he shut the door and put towels in front figuring if some point it would want the water and peanut butter he left inside the trap. It didn't
It took Steve approximately 3 weeks before he finally got that little bugger out of my guest bedroom!
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