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Thursday, September 01, 2022


Tears and Fears

Please, please continue any and all prayers for our girl Sunshine.

Many tears are being shed. We are learning to find the joy in any positive moment.  No matter how small.

I am making her food.  Chopping it fine so she'll be able to eat easily. She'd rather starve than eat the canned prescription stuff. Won't take her pills in a pill pocket!  We've tried hiding them in: peanut butter, cheese, roast beef and scrambled eggs. I've resorted to grinding the twice a day med into a powder, have Steve hold her and literally put it in the back of her mouth- massage until done.

You'd think she'd prefer the great method!

The antibiotic is thankfully once a day. But she hates it.  However, she's been eating!!! She's also back to asking for her greenie. Think "small joy".  I took the girls down to Adam's yesterday for a play date.  Sunshine's tail was up, waving and her little fish wiggled.   Again, small joy.

Last night, she was back to pestering her sleeping sister to go outside for a potty break-every 20 minutes for about two hours.  Small joys.

Until we notice the signs, we're going to keep praying for a miracle, asking for your prayers and enjoying whatever time we can.

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