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Friday, June 23, 2023



Okay, saying it's hot in the middle of Arizona in June is a given.  What isn't?  Inside the house it was 89 degrees!

I don't know what happened!  I fell asleep, Steve called and woke me up and I realized that I was sweating, buckets!

Thermostat told me something had gone terribly wrong.  Went outside to our unit-dead as the proverbial doornail.  

How could this be?  We just had our yearly tune-up and were told everything was "perfect"!   Clearly, it was NOT.

If it were just me I would grab my inhaler and call our home warranty and say the technician needed to come back post haste.  But I have been pet sitting.  There are not 2 but 4 old dogs here. Two of whom have health issues.

Steve tried to re-boot the circuit breaker. Didn't help even one degree.  We called home warranty who called the A/C company.  They called right away.  Unfortunately, the soonest they could come is Monday.  

Fun weekend for us, not!

On the upside?  I still did my 70 minutes on my stationary bike..  I've decided to start a new exercise trend!  I'm calling it:  HOT CYCLE

Do you think it will catch on???

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