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Saturday, February 15, 2025


Busy, Busy

Since my last post there have been a lot of changes. 

We now have an official adult as a grandchild! So hard to believe, but our Dylan turned 18!  How can this be???

Then 10 days later -Aidan turned 17.

We celebrated with his yearly Superbowl party.

I was invited to go with Sarah and the boys for a college tour up in Flagstaff for the night last weekend.  What a beautiful campus Northern Arizona University has! 

Haven't been to Flagstaff in probably 15 years and I can't believe the metropolis it has grown into. 

Then came the messy part. 

Let's face it, I am home almost all the time with my four-legged little girls. They don't like change. And I left them for a whole 24 hours. 

It's not like they were alone! Steve was here 3 hours after I left.  Adam came twice while he was at work before I came back home. 

Evidently, they still were very upset with me. I was warned by Adam, who had to get back to his house for work and the menagerie that lives in his home as quickly as possible, that one of the girls got sick. 

As warned, my breakfast nook was covered in the leftovers of life as well as part of an area rug. 


I walked in the door, said hello to the girls and immediately cleaned up the mess.  As soon as that was done, both girls threw up. 

Suffice to say that the rest of the weekend had Steve and I steam cleaning floors, washing blankets and administering the canine version of the BRAT diet. 

But wait there's more! 

Lucky decided that I still hadn't done enough cleaning and that her anger was not fully realized enough for her liking. 

My little boss got on the couch, scrunched her just cleaned and placed blankets into a ball. Then gave me the stink eye and peed! 

In all 13 years she had never done something like that! Yes, that first year and a half. It was tough going with the potty training but she never peed on any piece of furniture! Always on the floor. 

I called the vet. She was in total agreement that the girls had,more or less, worked themselves into a frenzy because Mom wasn't where they felt she should be.

There you have it!  Truly, The Good, the bad and the ugly of the first month of 2025.

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